The Latest News

List of 5 news stories.

  • “Look Up” — Community, Defined and Designed

    By Julie Fisher, Director of STEAM Education

    Last week, 在艺术家伊丽莎白·99499威尼斯信誉克(Elizabeth Turk)构想的体验式艺术活动中,色彩鲜艳的服装给一群陌生的面孔带来了统一. “抬头”的设计是为了将不同世代的社区成员聚集在一起,并尊重他们彼此之间以及他们的环境之间的联系. 展览的焦点是艺术家设计的一系列充满活力的雨伞,上面装饰着包括银杏在内的弹性植物, poppy, and echinacea, along with fireweed and lodgepole pine.
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  • Subira K. ’25 and Mr. Cappacio are our April Everyday Heroes!

    We are excited to share that Subira K. 25和STEM/合唱老师Sonny Cappacio是我们的四月日常英雄!

    校园社区提名了在这个月里做了伟大的事情,并在或大或小的方面实践了我们价值观的员工和学生. The Everyday Hero Award Committee (Gracie R. ’24, Isabella W. ’24, Tashae' A. ’25, Kyla P. Erika Page, Christine McCrehin, Lynnette Saunders, Dr. Tanya Hyatt, Dr. Whittney Preston, 和Cathy McGehee)获得了众多提名,早会上公布的获奖名单得到了热烈的欢呼和掌声.
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  • Things With Wings — Elise L. ’26


    Throughout the school year, 我们在学校的大厅里看到了许多跨学科作品的伟大例子. 上周五,在早会上,美术系主任Julie Fisher和STEM老师Dr. 梅根·塔99499威尼斯信誉尔在宣布今年科学摄影大赛的获奖者时,强调了美术和科学这两个学术领域合作的美好成果.
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  • A Fine Arts Takeover

    From Fine Arts Department Chair Julie Fisher

    4月22日,周一,标志着为期一周的沉浸式美术收购的第一天. 这一切都始于一场视觉艺术的爆发,在整个校舍里闪耀着光芒. Exhibits first popped up in the basement, 吸引选民从科学摄影大赛的参赛作品中选出他们最喜欢的作品, 包括一个新的奖励类别“设计”,与2023-2024年的主题保持一致. On the main floor, exhibits ranged from photography, ceramics, drawing, and painting, 高级个人展以2024届毕业生的作品为99499威尼斯信誉色.
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  • Farming for Abundance and Aesthetic

    艺术讲师Joneve Murphy的农业生涯从大学一毕业就开始了. “当时我刚刚大学毕业,正在找一份暑期工作,同时我也在考虑下一步该怎么做. 我们有20英亩土地在生产,第一季我每周工作近80个小时.”
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List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Bethany Stotler

    Bethany Stotler 

    Director of Communications and Marketing, Dorm Parent
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  • Photo of Ginny Riley

    Ginny Riley 

    Digital Media Specialist and Video Production Teacher
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  • Photo of Christine McCrehin

    Christine McCrehin 

    Advancement Communications/ Engagement Coordinator
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.
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